Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Does Having Children Really Make Our Lives More Fulfilling?

Raising children
(Image credit: Marisa Howenstine/Unsplash)

Traditionally, many people believe that children make your life more fulfilling. Not having children is often looked down upon in different parts of the world. However, does having children really equate to happiness and fulfillment? The answer is more complex than we think.

According to a survey of men and women who willfully chose to be child-free reported that they felt satisfied with their life. Women say they have more freedom and control, as well as more financial stability. Overall, childless men and women feel less stressed and find greater satisfaction in their marriages.

On the other hand, men and women who decide to have children experience what is called "parenthood paradox". They feel more stressed and less satisfied because they feel deprived of their time, sleep, and social life.

Despite this, not all people with children feel miserable. Several factors can help ease the burden of parenthood such as getting social support from other family members, sharing the responsibility of raising children between partners, and working at places with family-friendly policies.

At the end of the day, studies have shown that satisfaction and fulfillment in life are connected with whether people feel they have control over the decisions they make in their lives.

Even people who wanted to have children but couldn't were still able to find meaning and satisfaction in their lives by shifting their attention and focus on other things that helped them flourish and be happy.

So, the answer to fulfillment in life is more complicated than simply saying that having children will automatically make your life more fulfilled as opposed to the alternative. It's all about what we do with what we are given in life.

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